
Kids will use our macro-scale circuit boards to understand how electricity is conducted through wires as they build their own circuits using batteries and motors.

Our SCouts will teach your kids that a closed loop is required to conduct electricity, as well as explain what electricity is and how it is generated!

Using our specially built wooden circuit boards, kids will connect batteries, motors, lights, and other electrical components to form their own closed-loop circuits. They will also be able to test everyday objects such as coins and paperclips to see what conducts electricity and what doesn't.

This experiment is perfect for introducing your students to electronics. We will show them how easy it is to build a circuit and use battery power to build a simple device such as a light switch.

Giving your kids the opportunity to experiment safely with circuits is an experience that will emPOWER and SPARK their imagination.  Contact us if you'd like to experiment with circuits at your school!
