Strawberry DNA Extraction

Kids will extract real DNA from strawberries, using household substances such as water, soap, and salt. The kids will be able to extract DNA in a form that can be picked up and seen with the naked eye!

This is an amazing experiment that you have to see to believe. Our SCouts will teach kids about cells, DNA, and the genomic code. The students will then cement their understanding by extracting and seeing DNA firsthand.

Following the instructions of the SCouts, your kids will crush strawberries into a pulp, lyse the cells within, and then precipitate the DNA to the surface. The DNA can then be picked up with a toothpick like cotton candy, and be examined.

This is a informative experiment that your kids will remember for years. It is a great introduction to modern biological science and the study of life.

We have done this experiment many times to the point where it is second nature to us at Science Outreach, and we can demonstrate it with ease in classrooms and at field days. Contact us if you'd like to extract strawberry DNA at your school!
